Friday, October 30, 2015


I received the greatest compliment of my life yesterday. Seriously! I was driving Brooke to violin lessons when she asked me a question.

Brooke: Dad, who is your hero?
Me: After a pause, "Jesus."
Brooke: I knew you'd say that so that isn't an option. You have to pick someone else.
Me: I don't know. I'd need to think about it.
Brooke: I know who my hero is.
Me: Who?
Brooke: I'm looking at him.

Who knows, maybe she was trying to butter me up for something. If so, I guess it worked. Still, though, nothing would make me more proud than to remain the hero in my daughter's eyes. As a parent, I pray that God will help me to be the kind of father I need to be... to set a good example, to love unconditionally, to share wisdom, to walk with my Savior and reflect Jesus in my life. I'm also grateful that God has given me a burden for family ministry. May God speak His truth through me to help other families I come in contact with. I'm a proud daddy today and I'm humbled at the same time.