Monday, April 27, 2009

Circles in the Carpet

Brooke decided to begin the newest fashion trend in today's home decor. She had disappeared to her bedroom for a few minutes which should have been my first clue she was up to something. She came running out saying "I made circles, I made circles Daddy!" I decided I better investigate what these "circles" were. When I rounded the corner to her room, she threw her arm out to the side as if modeling something on "The Price is Right" and said, "Circles daddy!"

I look on the floor and I see circles everywhere... kinda like those alien crop designs. I'm not sure if you can tell by the picture, but trust me, they're there! They go from one end of the room all the way to the other!

Here, Brooke is demonstrating the procedure you'll want to take to create your own circle pattern on your carpeting:

I'm sure that you can pay her to do your carpeting as well if you don't have the time yourself. Let me assure you, however, her rates are quite high!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Client Dinner at Garvan Gardens

Here are some pictures from the 2009 Christian Financial Principles client appreciation dinner.

NOTE: After you hit the play button, use the button with 4 arrows to view the slideshow in FULLSCREEN!
