Monday, November 3, 2014

Prayers of a 2-Year-Old

Never know what you'll hear during a 2 year old's prayer time. We prayed for bubbles, tractors, pillows, puppy dogs, the color blue, ducks, toes, abcs's, 1234's, kitty cats, and so many other things I've already forgotten them!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Ella, Say "Yes Sir"

After getting on to Ella when she did something wrong:
Me: Ella, we don't do that. Do you understand?
Ella: .....
Me: Say "Yes sir"
Ella: Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full.....

Tired Ears

On our way to Texarkana today, Brooke had been talking for 45 minutes straight!
Me: My ears are getting a little tired.
Brooke: Well, the problem is that I never get tired of talking.

Ella, say "Yes sir"

After getting on to Ella when she did something wrong:

Me: Ella, we don't do that. Do you understand?

Ella: .....

Me: Say "Yes sir"

Ella: Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full..... 


Monday, January 27, 2014

Brooke Impacting Others

It was certainly a proud moment when we received this message from Brooke's teacher today. I'm so excited to see what God is doing in her life and I can certainly learn from her example!